We are open regular hours on Easter Monday.  All classes are go except Ride 60 at 8am.  Come do On the Ball instead! 

Balance & Core

This low impact circuit training class that focuses on developing balance and stability using a CORE board and resistance bands.


Apr 30 2024


6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Balance & Core

About This Program

Our Balance & Core program is a circuit training class that is specifically designed to help you improve your balance, stability, and core strength. During each class, our certified instructors will guide you through a series of exercises using a CORE board and resistance bands that will challenge you to perform exercises on unstable surfaces to create a solid core.

The CORE board is an innovative piece of equipment that helps to activate your core muscles and improve your balance and stability. By standing or performing exercises on the board, you'll be able to engage your core muscles and challenge your balance and stability, helping to improve your overall fitness and athleticism.

In addition to the CORE board, our Balance & Core program also incorporates resistance bands, which help to add resistance and challenge to your exercises, helping you to build strength and endurance over time. By using a variety of exercises and equipment, our Balance & Core program is a well-rounded workout that can help you achieve your fitness goals and improve your overall health and wellbeing.

One of the key benefits of our Balance & Core program is that it is suitable for individuals of all fitness levels. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete, our program is designed to help you improve your balance, stability, and core strength at your own pace, without the risk of injury or overexertion.

Overall, our Balance & Core program is a great way to challenge yourself, improve your fitness, and achieve your goals. So if you're looking for a low-impact, effective workout that will help you develop your balance, stability, and core strength, come join us and experience the benefits of Balance & Core for yourself!

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Class Details


6:30 pm - 7:30 pm


Apr 30 2024
Tags: Beginner
Studio Room


Studio Room
104 Maple Ave, Inglewood, ON L7C 1J5

